Feb 5, 2011

Weather report powered by python

I would like to insert weather report to my diary automatically, so I googled "weather script python" - yes, I prefer python - and found a python script fetching weather report from Yahoo! Weather written by Thomas Upton

In order to use the script, I looked up the location ID for my city. I searched Yahoo Weather home page. The location ID is in the URL for the forecast page for the city. For example, the forecast page for Los Angeles is http://weather.yahoo.com/united-states/california/los-angeles-2442047/. The location ID of Los Angeles is 2442047.

Unfortunately, the script does not work for me. I checked the python source code, and found the feed URL is "http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/forecastrss?p=", which seems only for US zip code. So I modified the URL to "http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=", which works with the code from Yahoo Weather home page.

You can apply a patch if you would like, which I supply here:

--- weather.py 2011-02-05 21:40:02.000000000 +0900
+++ weather.py 2011-02-05 21:51:43.000000000 +0900
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@

# Yahoo!'s limit on the number of days they will forecast
-WEATHER_URL = 'http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/forecastrss?p=%s'
+#WEATHER_URL = 'http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/forecastrss?p=%s'
+WEATHER_URL = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=%s'
WEATHER_NS = 'http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/ns/rss/1.0'


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