Apr 7, 2009

Beijing estate price = Osaka estate price?

萨苏, Su Sa, posted a blog, 从中日房价对比看北京房市, Look at Beijing Real Estate Market by Comparing Estate Prices Between China and Japan.

Sa compared the estate prices for sale and for rent in the suburbs and downtown between Beijing and Osaka. He surprisingly found that the estate prices in China has reached the level of developed countries, even Japan, the country with the highest estate prices, although Beijing rental prices are lower than those in Osaka. On the other hand the average income level in Beijing is much lower than that in Osaka. However, more surprising thing is that some news says that estate prices will continue to rise!

At the end of his article, Mr. Sa warned that the current real estate market in China is very similar to the economic bubble of Japan in 1990s.

Apr 4, 2009

How to say "You are welcome" in Kansai dialect

In the standard Japanese, "Thank you" and "You are welcome" are respectively

"Thank you" in Kansai dialect is

Then how to say "You are welcome" in Kansai dialect? I asked my Japanese colleagues. They had a animated discussion, and finally, to my surprise, got the conclusion: No corresponding words!