Aug 4, 2009

Facial Make-up of Heavenly King

I drew this one according to a photograph on the front cover of a magazine, which was taken from Nebuta Matsuri in Aomori city, Japan. The size of the face was drew larger than expected, so that there is no place for its helmet.

The Aomori Nebuta Festival (青森ねぶた祭り) is a Japanese summer festival that takes place in Aomori city, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. "Nebuta" refers to the float of a brave warrior-figure which is carried through the center of the city. The Nebuta floats are made of a wood base, carefully covered with Japanese paper, beautifully clolred, and lighted from the inner part with hundreds of light bulbs. The warrior-figures are gods (菅原道真 雷神と化す) or heroes (義経渡海), some of which are from Records of Three Kingdoms(呉軍の先鋒・鈴の甘寧)or Water Margin(水滸伝より「黒旋風・李逵と張順」). For more information, refer to: